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Your Creative Blueprint Map

Your ability to manifest isn’t always going to be in doing the inner work, reframing your beliefs and visioning your dream into reality…

Your manifesting mojo only gets unlocked when you arrive at the intersection of your soul’s purpose AND leaning into your own intuition.

Most people don’t even know where to begin with this.

So, I created the Creative Blueprint map to empower and activate the essence of who you truly are. 

Your Creative Blueprint Map gives you an understanding of where the intersection between your purpose, your intuition meets so you can move forward to create your unique manifesting framework that is aligned to the way you are wired to create.

It’s perfect for when you are ready to dive deeper into your blueprint and understand more deeply how to infuse embodiment, inner healing and practical strategies that are aligned with your purpose and your unique energetic signature.

Because these recordings are channelled individually and made with so much love and care, I only have a handful of slots open for these every month.

So they are operated on a first-come-first-served basis.

If I am at full capacity, no slots will be available until I have completed the ones I am working on.

This ensures everyone who gets one receives the individual attention and care that goes into creating one.

How It Works:

You will receive a recording detailing your personal reading, based on the focus of the session. 

You can choose to focus on ONE of the following elements per reading:

  • How your intuition works based on your energetic circuitry

  • Learn your strategy to manifest - what shadows to watch out for and what strengths to lean into so that you can manifest in a more embodied and natural way for YOU

  • Uncover your Soul’s path and purpose to step into alignment with it and electrify your innate ability to generate the resources, support and experiences that support you on that path

Upon payment, you will receive a questionnaire to fill in to guide you to set your intentions for the Creative Blueprint Map.

As soon as you submit your answers, you can expect a recording within 3 weeks, sometimes even sooner than that. 

*Please note, you will need to provide your natal information so that a body chart can be generated for the Human Design aspect of your Map.  That includes your name, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth.  If you don’t have an accurate time of birth, please contact me and we can discuss some ways to get around that, but the more accurate the time of birth, the more accurate a reading you will get.

The Promise:

Upon receiving, listening and going into your own deep reflection and contemplation to integrate all the information within your recording, you will start to understand who you truly are at the core of your being - your TRUE soul's essence.

You will receive clarity on how to be on your way to managing your own energy so that you can stay on your Soul's path and essence and stop operating from the space of trying to people-please and dilute your own gifts and potency to intentionally create a life that truly lights you up.

This is NOT a replacement for the inner work, healing and embodiment practices that I guide clients through when working with them privately or on my deeper containers.

It does give you deep insights into the essence of how you create and what shadows tend to lead you into distraction, so you can work on those to receive the gifts concealed within those shadows.

It also highlights some of your strengths so you have an idea of how to use what is already available to you to enhance your ability to create the change you are asking for.

As such, my commitment to you with this offering is to guide and remind you to:

  • Clarify and lay the foundation for you to understand your Creative Blueprint in a deeper way, through the lens of Human Design, using my Creative Blueprint method and channelling intuitive insights based on your energy

  • Re-define what success looks like for YOUR soul, with YOUR desires and on YOUR Soul’s path

  • Reconnect with your own Soul’s wisdom to create the change you are BORN to make in your own life and in the lives of others

Who this is for:

  • Healers, coaches, psychics who desire to know about their mission and how to align to it through understanding their gifts, their shadows and how to call forth the people they are here to support

  • Seasoned or budding entrepreneurs that are aware they would like to create a positive impact by stepping into their unique gifts, soul's essence and purpose and create an intuitive approach to cultivate a business that generates for them, their clients or customers and the planet

  • People who want to learn more about their true Soul's essence and how to step into their power, make better, more empowered decisions in their daily lives, so they can lead a life beyond their past failures, mistakes and challenges.

  • For people who want to learn how to express themselves fully and confidently by learning about their gifts, communication style and how they uniquely process and assimilate information and energy

  • People who are committed to their own transformation and are committed to understanding their energy on a deeper level so they can manage their energy to create a life that lights them up

  • Those that are ready to have deeper, more loving and supportive relationships by understanding how to respond rather than react to situations and people

  • People who may have already tried other manifesting techniques and have yet to actualise their big vision, but are still connected to having their desires show up by learning their unique energy flows and manifesting style

  • Those that are open to experimenting and curious about how to unleash their purpose through manifesting their truest heartfelt desires

  • People who are interested and willing to deepen their own intuition and develop a deeper sense of trust in it through knowing exactly how THEIR intuition speaks to them and how to discern between their intuition and their fears or resistance

  • Those are ready to get out of the cycle of the more popular methods of manifesting to cultivate their own framework that is aligned so they can have a more embodied, healthier and sustainable way to manifest which allows for continuous evolution and lasting change

  • People who are ready to receive with an open heart and take sacred responsibility for their own journey, success and transformation.

Is this YOU?

If yes, it would be my pleasure and honour to create your personalised Blueprint Map to support you in finding your unique style of manifesting that is perfectly aligned to YOU!

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